Barong Games

Content Writer

Jenis Pekerjaan
Jumlah Dibutuhkan
Rentang Gaji
Gaji Dirahasiakan
Syarat Umum
Pendidikan Minimal
Status Pernikahan
Sudah & Belum Menikah
Pengalaman Minimal
0 Tahun
Syarat Khusus

Content Writer

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

– Consistently brainstorming and collaborating with team for new ideas and strategies
– Researching markets and industries to compare and create content that is innovative and original

Syarat Pengalaman :
Minimum 1 year of experience as Content Writer
Keahlian :

Strong research skills, and a solid understanding of SEO

Kualifikasi :

– Preferred Bachelor’s degree or may be a higher one in English, Literature, Journalism or related field
– Excellent grasp of English language
– At least 1 year of experience on writing
– Typically internet-savvy individuals who write articles, blogs, reviews which also includes various other forms of web materials.
– Excellent writing skills, as well as the ability to communicate and collaborate effectively
– The ability to consistently meet tight deadlines

Tunjangan :

Competitive salary

Insentif :

Overtime pay

Waktu Bekerja :
Kirim lamarn ke :
Jalan Kranji No. 154H RT 08 RW 023, Panggungsari, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, DIY, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, 55581, Indonesia
Perusahaan : Teknologi Informatika
Keterampilan/ Skill

Deskripsi Perusahaan

Recently founded, and located in the remote region of Yogyakarta, our multinational team consists of specialists in many fields, including artists, engineers, developers, and more.
We believe in the medium of games. Collectively, our aim is to provide players the opportunity to get immersed and experience worlds, stories and settings not yet ventured.