PT. Multibox Indah

Operator Flexo Karton Box

Jenis Pekerjaan
Jumlah Dibutuhkan
Rentang Gaji
Gaji Dirahasiakan
Syarat Umum
Pendidikan Minimal
Status Pernikahan
Sudah & Belum Menikah
Pengalaman Minimal
0 Tahun
Syarat Khusus

Operator Flexo Karton Box

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

> Mengoperasikan mesin printing flexo karton box dan menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas dan efisien.
> Mengupayakan perbaikan terus menerus dalam hal kualitas dan output.
> Bekerja sesuai dengan panduan keselamatan dan kesehatan Perusahaan.

Syarat Pengalaman :
Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bagian flexo karton box.
Keahlian :

> Minimum pendidikan SMA jurusan Tehnik.
> Memiliki salah satu keahlihan dari printing, flexo, mekatronik, mekanik, elektro, karton box.

Kualifikasi :

> Mau dan senang bekerja sama secara tim.

Tunjangan :

> Uang makan
> Uang transport
> BPJS Ketenaga Kerjaan dan Kesehatan

Waktu Bekerja :
Memerlukan Shift

Kirimkan lamaran ke :

Jalan Gatot Subroto Km 5,3, Jatiuwung, Tangerang, Banten, 15134, Indonesia
Perusahaan : Manufakturing Umum
Keterampilan/ Skill

Deskripsi Perusahaan

PT Multi Makmur Indah Industri (MMI) was established in 1976 as a tinplate-can manufacturing company. In just a few years, we have grown significantly to be the preferred tinplate-can packaging for Food & Beverages industry. We extended our line of production into corrugated carton-box packaging in 1990 with a plan to expand into plastic production in the future.

Customer service is at the heart of our business as we launched a logistic service in order to provide an added value to our customers. We strive to provide stability in quality, on-time and flexibility in delivery in the shortest lead time in order to achieve customer satisfaction. Currently we have over 700 vehicles to serve you and the numbers will only get bigger as the company grows.

In the light of the company’s rapid growth, we are expanding by adding a Land and Property Management division to our line of business. Fully equipped with impressive production capacity as well as highly skilled workers, we are setting ourselves an ambitious 15% growth per year and we are confident in achieving it.