LEVEL 21 Mall


Jenis Pekerjaan
Jumlah Dibutuhkan
Rentang Gaji
Gaji Dirahasiakan
Syarat Umum
Pendidikan Minimal
Status Pernikahan
Sudah & Belum Menikah
Pengalaman Minimal
0 Tahun
Syarat Khusus


  1. Male or Female
  2. Age max 35 years old
  3. Graduated min Diploma (D1)
  4. Fluent in English both oral and written
  5. Computer Literate
  6. Have Experience as Sales
  7. Good personal and interpersonal skills
  8. Highly self-motivated and highly customer service oriented
  9. Prefer Sales Mall background


Those candidates who are interested, please send your complete Curriculum Vitae to:


recruitment@level21mall.com cc: recruitment.level21@gmail.com


Address: Jl. Teuku Umar No.1 Denpasar-Bali, 80114

Contact person: 0878 6279 1361 (Abhidhamma)

Pin BB : 54AE07A7

Office: (0361) 257799

Our website: http://level21mall.com/

Keterampilan/ Skill

Deskripsi Perusahaan

“We Are the Most stylish Mall in center of Denpasar city” kami Level 21 adalah Mall Baru dengan konsep shopping mall yang stylish dan fashionable dengan berbagai tenant brand terkenal international